Saturday 26 October 2024

ICBA boosts cooperation with Brazil’s agri-tech industry

SAO PAULO, June 19, 2024

The International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) is looking to expand collaboration with leading Brazilian agri-tech institutions to bolster efforts aimed at increasing food security and alleviating hunger worldwide.
Joining more than 500 high-level delegates, including senior government and business representatives, from different countries, Dr Tarifa Alzaabi, Director General of ICBA, participated in the International Conference on Food Security and Fighting Hunger “Josué de Castro” in São Paulo, Brazil, at the invitation of José Aldo Rebelo Figueiredo, Municipal Secretary of International Affairs of São Paulo.
ICBA’s participation in the conference is aligned with its endeavor to strengthen cooperation with leading Brazilian agri-tech institutions to support local and global efforts to increase food security and reduce hunger. Dr Tarifa Alzaabi held discussions and meetings with different partners with a focus on these goals, as well as ICBA’s work in saline and arid regions to address agricultural challenges through research and innovation.
Challenges to food security
Dr Alzaabi participated as a speaker in a special session on science and biotechnology and spoke about the challenges to food security in the Arab region, including water scarcity, drought and salinisation, and severe effects of climate change that the region is experiencing. 
She presented examples of the innovative solutions that the center uses to mitigate and adapt to these challenges, including climate-resilient crops, water-saving technologies, solutions for reject brine management, soil amendments, and plant pest controls. 
She also emphasised the importance of collaboration between organisations and countries, pointing out ICBA’s partnerships with Brazilian agri-tech institutions such as the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa).
Dr Alzaabi said: “As a global agricultural powerhouse, Brazil has many leading agri-tech and agribusiness companies. And we aim to build long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with them in various fields. We believe it is important to exchange scientific know-how and expertise, conduct joint scientific research, and exchange experts and specialists to achieve greater impact as we work towards more sustainable and resilient agrifood systems.”
Exceptional platform
Dr Celso Moretti, a member of ICBA’s Board of Directors, a researcher and former President of Embrapa, said: “This conference was an exceptional platform to exchange insights and experiences on effective ways to deal with global challenges like hunger and climate change, among other things. South-South cooperation was at the center of these discussions, bringing together leading agri-tech organisations from various countries. We look forward to seeing the results of this cooperation in the near future.”
Dr Alzaabi also took part in another panel discussion titled “Commerce, Sustainability and Nutrition” at the headquarters of the Brazilian Rural Society in São Paulo. This discussion convened scientists and experts in agriculture, sustainability, and nutrition from several countries.
She briefed the audience about ICBA’s research and development projects aimed at increasing food security and nutrition and addressing climate change and other threats to agriculture in saline and arid environments. In particular, she noted the role of ICBA’s genebank collection of salt-, heat- and drought-tolerant plants in developing more resilient and nutritious varieties.
These events underscored the importance of collaborative efforts locally and globally and presented new opportunities for cooperation in agricultural science and innovation.--TradeArabia News Service


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